What ghillies suit best or what ghillies are the best?

This is a question we get asked almost every day.   The answer we give to anyone is it comes down to personal choice.   A shoe may make your foot look long and elongated but feel extremely uncomfortable.   It can make you have the ‘perfect’ point but feel uncomfortable.   It all comes down to what feels the best on your foot.

Highland shoes have come a long way since we became involved in the sport some 12 years ago.   Most now come with some form of shock absorption in the innersole designed to reduce the shock which in turn helps to relieve and rule out back pain, tendinitis and repetitive strain injuries.

The suggestion we make is to try on as many pairs as you can.   Stand in them, jump around, make a point, look in a mirror, see how they feel.   There are some you will put on and eliminate immediately as they make your foot clumpy or they are uncomfortable or you just plain don’t like them.    We can make recommendations and eliminate certain styles immediately but we are not the ones having to wear the shoes.   Each brand or style has its benefits, each has certain feet that they suit best, they are all equal quality.

Ultimately it is the dancer that can decide which shoe is best for them and which looks the best on their feet.   It’s all about having that choice to try on and making a choice.  Finding that choice can be difficult but we aim to make it as pain free as possible.

Celtic Dance Supplies Australia are suppliers of quality International brands well known to the Highland Community. These brands include :

Celtic Dance Supplies