How to trace your foot to work out sizing

The number 1 question we are always asked is “How do I know the size shoe I/my child needs”?

The best way to do this is to take a tracing.   Do not trace your own foot.   You get tempted to hold the pen at an angle so it is not accurate!   Dependent on what you are wearing the shoe with will depend on if you put on kilt socks or not.   If you are wearing it with your kilt then put on your socks, if you are wearing it with your national costume you can just trace the bare foot.

Have the dancer stand tall and upright on a piece of paper for each foot.   Trace around the outside of each foot (make sure the toes aren’t spread) ensuring the pen is perfectly vertical at all times.   Once this is complete take a ruler and draw a box around the foot ensuring it is touching the widest and longest part of the foot (see picture).   The next step is to then measure the length at the longest and the width.   The box would have ensured that you are measuring at the longest and widest part.

From this you can look at the size chart for each shoe and work out which fits closest remembering you want them snug but not cutting off your circulation!   If you would prefer not to do this and would like us to work out which size you will need, scan each foot with the measurements written on as well as their normal shoe size and email it through to us.

You can’t take a photo and send it as it is not in proportion!   We then cut out the tracing and use it along with the measurement to work out the best fit.   We will then email you back with the relevant size for the shoe you are looking at.


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